BE different

Recruitment and Selection - just the tip of the iceberg

09 June 2016 - by Geoff Ribbens

Hiring the next generation of leaders

Many organisations see hiring high potential managers as a simple task of recruitment and selection: perhaps using some form of selection process, interviews, assessment centres and perhaps psychometric tests.

This is merely the tip of the iceberg. Selecting high potential mangers is expensive, however it is more expensive to get it wrong. “Hiring High Potential Managers” Pathway Audit™ allows you to compare your processes and planning with what an ideal company would be doing.

Such an ideal company would be considering the role in relation to its strategic alignment. It would scope the role in detail using functional analysis. Elaborate on-boarding would be thought through with reference to the culture of the company. What type of relationship would the new hire have with peers, internal and external customers? If you select the right person you want to make sure they remain with you – if they don’t whose fault is that?

Are they agents of change- if so how do you know? Have you measures of department or team performance before and after they join? There is a huge amount of background work you need to do if you are not going to waste their time, your time and your financial resources.

The Pathway Audit identifies ten key conditions based on one hundred focused questions, it is thorough and in depth. It shows you the pathway to take to improve how you hire valuable employees.

Identify your company’s strengths and development needs, it is simple, rapid, on-line and cost effective. Go to

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